His Art

“You give of your talent, of your ability… the talent that was given you by the Heavens. That’s why we’re here, to bring a sense of escapism in time of need. And, uh, if you’re a painter you paint; if you’re a sculptor, you sculpt; if you’re a writer, you write; if you’re a songwriter, you give songs; if you’re a dancer, you give dance. You give people some love and some… some bliss and some escapism, and to show that you truly care from the heart, and be there for them. Not just from a distance, but show you really care. You know, take the long mile and be there for them. And that’s what I did, and many others who cared and helped. And it’s an important thing.”
                                          Michael Jackson

"I'm committed to my art. I believe that all art has as its ultimate goal the union between the material and the spiritual, the human and the divine. And I believe that that is the very reason for the existence of art and what I do. And I feel fortunate in being that instrument through which music flows .... Deep inside I feel that this world we live in is really a big, huge, monumental symphonic orchestra. I believe that in its primordial form all of creation is sound and that it's not just random sound, that its music. You've heard the expression, music of the spheres? Well, thats a very literal phrase. In the Gospels, we read, "And the Lord God made man from the dust of the earth and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul." That breath of life to me is the music of life and it permeates every fiber of creation.

In one of the pieces of the Dangerous album, I say: "Life songs of ages, throbbing in my blood, have danced the rhythm of the tide and flood." This is a very literal statement, because the same new miracle intervals and biological rhythms that sound out the architecture of my DNA also governs the movement of the stars. The same music governs the rhythm of the seasons, the pulse of our heartbeats, the migration of birds, the ebb and flow of ocean tides, the cycles of growth, evolution and dissolution. It's music, its rhythm. And my goal in life is to give to the world what I was lucky to receive: the ecstasy of divine union through my music and my dance. Its like, my purpose, its what I'm here for."

Michael Jackson in Ebony/Jet 2002 interview

"Who wants mortality? Everybody wants immortality. You want what you create to live! Be it sculping, painting, music, composition. That is why to escape death I attempt to bind my soul to my work because I just want it to live forever and just give all that I have." 
                                               Michael Jackson

"I love to write songs. It´s one of my favourite things to do. It´s very spiritual. It´s a connection. I´m just a source through which it comes. I´m inspired by a lot of things but it´s done in the heavens. I listen to the music and I just create from there."
                                       Michael Jackson

“IN MANY WAYS AN ARTIST IS HIS WORK.  IT’S DIFFICULT TO SEPARATE THE TWO.”                                                                                 MICHAEL JACKSON MOONWALK 1988

"The songwriting process is something very difficult to explain, because it's very spiritual. It's, uh...You really have it in the hands of God, and it's as if its been written already - that's the real truth. As if its been written in its entirety before were born and you're just really the source through which the song come. Really. Because there is...they just fall right into your lap in it's entirety. You don't have to do much thinking about it. And I feel guilty having to put my name, sometimes, on the songs that I - I do write them - I compose them, I write them, I do the scoring, I do the lyrics, I do the melodies but still, it's a...it's a work of God."

Michael Jackson, online audio chat, October 21st, 2001

"I always want to do music that inspires or influences another generation. You want what you create to live, be it sculpture or painting or music. Like Michelangelo, he said, ´I know the creator will go, but his work survives. That is why to escape death, I attempt to bind my soul to my work.’ And that’s how I feel. I give my all to my work. I want it to just live."

                                     Michael Jackson

"Great music and great melodies are immortal. Fashions change, culture changes, customs change. Great music is immortal. We still listen to Mozart, Tchaikovsky and Rachmaninoff.  Any of them. Great music is like a great piece of sculpture of a great painting. It's forever. For generations upon generations to appreciate forever."


"When you want to be close to me, listen to the music. The love is stored there and will not die!"
                                         Michael Jackson

"Once the music plays, it creates me. The instruments move me, they control me. Sometimes I´m uncontrollable and it just happens. Boom, boom, boom - once it gets inside of you."
                                 Michael Jackson

"I love great music — it has no color, it has no boundaries."
                                 Michael Jackson

Click on the link http://youtu.be/k6gwk4A5FZw


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