Michael Jackson's GHOSTS
Stan Winston Director "MICHAEL WANTED SOMETHING THAT WOULD SHOCK THE WORLD". "Ο ΜΑΙΚΛ ΗΘΕΛΕ ΝΑ ΚΑΝΕΙ ΚΑΤΙ ΠΟΥ ΘΑ ΠΡΟΚΑΛΕΣΕΙ ΣΟΚ ΣΤΟΝ ΚΟΣΜΟ". “We wanted to do a film that’s very scary, but it should be a roller coaster ride with peaks and valleys, all kind of emotions. You know, there’s some pathos in it…I insisted on it. Θέλαμε να κάνουμε ένα φιλμ που να είναι πολύ τρομακτικό γι'αυτό θέλαμε να έχει αυτήν την προσέγγιση την πλάκα του να φοβάσαι σαν να είσαι σε τρενάκι του λούνα πάρκ,με όλες τις συγκινήσεις. Well, here’s a guy, that I’m playing…he really doesn’t like to hurt anyone or offend anyone. But, they find him to be strange and eccentric and weird, the older people do, the grown-ups, because they’re kind of bigoted. But, when they start to challenge me, they make me territorial and I start to challenge them back. I do all these wonderful things that is like magic, cuz I’m really trying to scare this mayor, who is a creep. ...